Autumn and Winter are a time of hot drinks, fuzzy jumpers, and long nights snuggled up on the sofa. However, it can also be a time when your creative well dwindles, and your overall mood might lower - which I can relate to! Here's a little list of what is currently inspiring me during this chilly period, and hopefully, you'll find something that inspires you too!
2023 has been a year of books for me (even more so than normal for a book binder!) I've rediscovered my love for fiction, which has opened so many creative outlets for me. This Autumn, I've really enjoyed snuggling up on my sofa with a hot cup of tea (Bird and Blend's Campfires and Vampires is my current favourite), lighting some candles, and reading the evening away. With so many interesting new worlds and characters I've discovered, I can't help but itch for my art supplies. I've sketched scenes I've loved, created alternate book covers, designed stickers, and illustrated characters. It's been something new for me that I've loved exploring. I highly recommend re-discovering an old favourite if you're feeling a bit blocked.
Drawing Sessions
During long periods of creative burnout, my bi-monthly drawing sessions have been the only thing keeping me sane! I've found myself gravitating towards drawing sessions (past ones I've hosted and sessions from other creatives) this Autumn as I spend less time drawing outside. My favourite thing about drawing sessions is that you don't have to use your brain! All the references are pre-selected, the timings are sorted, and all you need to do is show up and draw. It's also a fun activity to do as a group - perhaps invite some friends around one evening and do some drawing together! I've especially loved rewatching my Autumn Botanicals and Halloween drawing sessions to match the season.
Going on crispy, chilly walks can often inspire me so much! The Autumnal colours and quieter landscapes never fail to get my creative juices flowing, and getting some fresh air always helps too. If I'm feeling brave, sometimes I'll wrap up warm, grab a sketchbook and a warm drink and draw outside. Other times, snapping some photos will be enough to carry the inspiration to my desk at home.
This season often leaves me feeling down and aimless. I've found that focusing on the little things and romantising small moments can really go a long way with improving my mood and creative output. I hope you've enjoyed reading about the things that are bringing me inspiration at the moment, and I hope they've inspired you too. Let me know in the comments what's exciting you this Autumn Winter time!
I hope you have a wonderful day full of joy, inspiration, and colour!
- Morgan
Want to get even more inspired this season? Check out these blog posts:
24 Seasonal Artist's Date Ideas to Unlock Your Creativity
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