Inktober, Peachtober, and More: See How Our Customers Nailed October's Art Challenges

Inktober, Peachtober, and More: See How Our Customers Nailed October's Art Challenges

October is a big month for artists - it's the month of art challenges! In recent years we've seen the rise of Inktober, Peachtober, Drawtober, and more. These month-long drawing challenges generally follow a theme and encourage artists to create pieces inspired by certain key words. Some have key words for every day of the month, whilst others are weekly or bi-weekly. Either way, it's an excellent opportunity to get into a regular drawing habit, spruce up your art skills, and become a part of an online creative community.

I've always enjoyed following along and have taken part in various challenges myself (but I always gave up after week two!) This year was even more special though, because I noticed some of our customers using their Odd Orange sketchbooks whilst completing their challenges. After seeing so much fantastic work, I simply had to share some of it with you.

So here are six of our customers that absolutely bossed it during October...


Ocean Hughes - Peachtober

Holbein Acryla Gouache, Prismacolor pencils, and Caran d'Ache Neocolor II crayons in our Lavender, Cream & Rust Clothbound Sketchbook.



Jessica Smith - Peachtober

Holbein Acryla Gouache, Tombow Dual Brush Pens, and Caran d'Ache Luminance pencils in our Chartreuse, Fuchsia & Jade Green Clothbound Sketchbook.



Snow's Journal - Calmtober

Turner Acryla Gouache and Caran d'Ache watercolour pencils in our Lavender, Rust & Cream Clothbound Sketchbook.



Karen Cook - Eugenie October Challenge, Peachtober & Facetober

Tombow Dual Brush Pens and coloured pencils in our Chartreuse, Fuchsia & Jade Green Paperback Sketchbook.



Studio Barn Owl - Invertober

Watercolour and ink in our Emerald Green Clothbound Sketchbook.



Joëlle Gobeil - Calmtober & Softober

Watercolour and coloured pencils in our Dutch Orange Clothbound Sketchbook.



How inspiring are these?! I'm always so impressed by artists that take on October art challenges - even if they don't complete the full 31 days, just attempting it is a feat in itself! Let me know your favourite illustrations in the comments below and if you took part in an art challenge this month.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day full of joy, inspiration, and colour.

- Morgan


Did you enjoy this blog post? See what else our customers have been making in their Odd Orange sketchbooks:


Inside the Sketchbook: Danielle Bennett

Inside the Sketchbook: Jessica Smith

Inside the Sketchbook: Magali Franov

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